What Colour Should You Paint Your Bathroom Walls?

white and brown living room decor and walls

The perfect bathroom for you is one that takes into account your aesthetic preferences and your functional needs both. Take our bathroom colour quiz to learn which colour best suits your personality and needs.

You prefer bathrooms that are…
  • A) Light and bright
  • B) Dark and rich
  • C) Soft and neutral
Your biggest home décor style concern…
  • A) Proper balance of classic and organic
  • B) Linear and clean-lined
  • C) Purely organic
The best thing about your bathroom is…
  • A) Ample natural light
  • B) Tall ceilings
  • C) Comfy bath tub
Colour groups that you normally like…
  • A) Bright colours
  • B) Dark colours
  • C) Earth tones
The type of fragrance you prefer…
  • A) Woodsy
  • B) Floral
  • C) Citrusy
Which item are you most drawn to…
  • A) A) Potted orchid
  • B) B) A large mirror
  • C) C) A wooden tray
How would you define your decorating style…
  • A) A) Simple and understated
  • B) B) Elegant and sophisticated
  • C) C) Eclectic
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