Colour Facts For September 2017

  1. Black, white and greys are colours but belong to a different category of colour than the classic 12 hues. They are actually not hues as they lack chroma and are called achromatic. However, in order to perceive them, we need a pigment to reflect and absorb light waves. For instance, black is perceived when the entire white light spectrum is mostly absorbed by a pigment. Very little light (although there is always some light) is reflected by the pigment. With pigment, we can always make black darker by casting a shadow on it. White is the result of the entire visible light spectrum being reflected back at high amplitude.

  2. Colour is an essential part of how we experience the world, both biologically as well as culturally. Did you know that your colour preferences can also depend on the seasons? According to studies, seasonal variations do affect our colour preferences. Researchers have observed that some types of objects and events tend to come to mind when we view different colours throughout the year. During the fall, a dark yellow-green shade is most likely to remind us of lovely fall leaves, while the same colour in winter might induce a nauseous feeling. Interesting isn't it?

  3. Did you know Vantablack is the darkest material ever made by man? In the Antenna wing of the Science Museum in London, a bronze bust of BBC presenter Marty Jopson is displayed behind a wall of glass. The face is approximately 6 or 7 inches tall and is highly textured. Next to it sits an identical bust that is totally mind-boggling. It looks like someone cut a hole in the air in the shape of Jopson's head, but leaving behind a gaping, empty blackness! The texture of the face disappears into a velvety mass. This visual magic is Vantablack, an ominously named coating, which absorbs virtually all light. It was created by the British company Surrey NanoSystems to remove stray light in satellites and telescopes.

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Colour Quotes

Colour Quotes For September 2017

  • Colour is my day-long obsession, joy and torment.

    - Claude Monet

  • Colouring outside the lines is a fine art.

    - Kim Nance

  • Colours express the main psychic functions of man.

    - Carl Gustav Jung

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Colour Tips

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Colour Facts

Colour Tips For September 2017

blue living room
  1. Masking tapes and Vaseline may be your everyday home items but did you know that they can also be used extensively for large areas that you wish to keep unpainted. If you have a smaller section that you don't wish to paint, you can cover the area with Vaseline. This is a useful tip for spray painting and you just have to cover the area with Vaseline and then paint. What Vaseline does is keep smaller areas from getting paint on them, so you don't have to worry about having to trim around them. Masking tape does the same job too! Just tape the areas you wish to keep unpainted and then take of the tape later.

  2. Worried about taking off the masking tape without pulling on the walls and the furnishings once you're done painting? There is the possibility that the tapes can stick to the wall and end up damaging the surface of those covered areas. Here's an easy tip for you, remove the masking tape without hassle with this simple trick. Heat the masking tape with a small heat gun or blow dryer. Once it is warm, it peels off easily. You can thank us later!

  3. Lap marks are those ugly stripes caused by uneven layers of paint build up, which are caused when you roll over paint that's already half dry. The key to avoid lap marks is to maintain a wet edge, so each stroke of your roller overlaps the previous stroke before the paint can begin to dry. To maintain a wet edge, start from a corner and run the roller up and down the full height of the wall. Move backward where necessary to even out thick spots or runs. Make sure to keep the open side of the roller frame facing the area which is already painted. This puts less pressure on the open side of the roller, so you are less likely to leave paint ridges.

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