Wondering What Are The Must-Have Tools For Painting Furniture?

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  1. Mask
    Safety first! Do not start any painting project without a mask. Once you start painting a piece of furniture, you can usually take the mask off as long as you aren't using spray paint. Also, anytime you are dealing with an old piece of furniture, ensure that it doesn't contain lead. You can do this with a lead test. If it contains lead, do not sand it. Either paint directly over it or get rid of it. Also, remember that masks do wear out over time so make sure that you replace them.
  2. Heat Gun & Scraper
    The second on the must-have list is a heat gun to strip paint off your furniture. Using a heat gun to strip furniture is by far much less messier than using a liquid stripper, which is why it is best to invest in a good one.
  3. Sandpaper and/or Power Sander
    If you do strip furniture, you are going to have to sand it lightly before painting or staining it to give it a smooth surface. Use a plain old sandpaper or a sanding block or with a power sander.
  4. Wood Filler
    You will need wood filler if you have to cover up old hardware holes, dings or scratches in your furniture. Use a good one to create a smooth backdrop for painting.
  5. Tack Cloth
    Tack cloths are necessary before painting any furniture. It will pick up any dust or dirt stuck on it, making sure that you don't mess up your finish.  The best way to get the smoothest finish is to not have any dust at all and you can achieve this using a tack cloth.
  6. Tarp, Old Blankets or Sheets
    While it is quite easy to scrape paint specks off the floors, it does take time. If you are planning to paint something on floors that you care about, put a tarp or old blanket or sheet under the furniture piece.
  7. Primer
    A good primer before applying your paint is recommended if you are using a regular latex-based paint and don't want to sand your furniture beforehand.
  8. Painter's Tape
    A masking tape is important for any paint project – be it your walls or furniture. Don't forget it if you want to protect areas that you don't want painted.
  9. High Quality Paint Roller, Paint Brush, or Paint Sprayer
    Your paint rollers and brushes can make or break your paint job. Hence, invest in good-quality brushes, rollers and a paint sprayer.
  10. Paint
    The last and the most important is high-quality paint. For furniture, you can opt for a satin or semi-gloss finish in either latex or an oil-based paint.

It is always a good idea to have a few things close by before you start a painting project. And what's more, with new innovations in the industry, things are getting more hassle-free. You can take the advantage of automatic painting tool available in the market to paint your walls with ease!


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It is important to consider natural light and the direction the room faces when choosing a colour for it. Learn how to tailor your colour choice...

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Do You Know The Best Paint Colours for East Facing Rooms

Choosing paint colours for your home can be quite a challenge. Worry not, we are here to help! Read on to learn tips for picking the perfect colour...

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How to Choose the Right Paint Colour

Do You Know The Best Paint Colours for East Facing Rooms?

East-facing rooms receive a soft dose of sunshine in the morning, but as the sun rises, you will also notice a lot of shadows. The sunlight is clear, bright and not particularly warm. As the morning moves towards noon,the room will be bright without much warmth and will have a cooler look.

The light in east facing rooms can appear to be a slight blue. It would be great to use blues that have a touch of green in them for a softer and more inviting look.Greens that have a hint of yellow will work well to infuse some warmth.

You can use colours that are a bit warmer coloured and less neutral. You can use a beige base, but if you have some good 'colour' mixed in, it will help to fight off the grey light of the room.

If you go for cool paint colours or grey neutrals, you should opt for warm accents and texture to your room to add some balance and visual warmth.

To create as much light as possible but still retain some warmth, look at pale greens, which will come alive in the morning sunlight. Since the light will undergo changes throughout the day, it is good to pair these with a darker tone on woodwork or furniture so that the walls appear lighter in contrast. If you want to use a white, remember to choose one with a green or blue base.

It is always a good idea to run a test with your chosen colour schemes. We recommend painting out a sample onto an A4 paper or card to see how the colour works in your living space, move it around the room and check the colour at different times of the day so you can see how the colour is affected by the light. Don't paint the colour directly on the wall as it won't be the actual colour if the existing wall colour isn't white. Good luck!


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Choosing paint colours for your home can be quite a challenge. Worry not, we are here to help! Read on to learn tips for picking the perfect colour...

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How to Choose the Right Paint Colour

How to Choose the Right Paint Colour?

  1. Start With An Inspiration
    You can derive inspiration from the things that you love and what interests you, including any hobby or possibly colours you like to dress up in. A good way to try out lots of colours without any commitment is using augmented reality apps that show you how colours would look in your living space.Opt for a palette that reminds you of a good and pleasant memory or captures the spirit of a happy experience in your home.
  2. Use Testers
    It is always a good idea to buy testers in a few shades and paint a large enough area on a few different walls so that you can see how the light hits it at different times of the day. However, remember not to test the colours against white walls because it will throw the colours off. It is recommended that you leave the test areas up for about a week so that you can see what the colour will look at different times of the day and in different light.

  3. Test Your Paint Colours Against Furniture And Fabrics
    It is imperative that you test the colours not just on the walls but also against your sofa, table, or other items to see if it works well. You don't necessarily have to match it, but you do want the undertones to go nicely.
  4. Pick The Right Sheen And Undertones
    You need to understand the basics of the different finish choices such as flat (matte), eggshell enamel, flat enamel, satin enamel, semi-gloss enamel and Hi-gloss enamel. When picking the undertones, look for the darkest shade on the paint swatch. It is where the colour is the most obvious that you will know which undertones are going to show up, even in the lightest shades.
  5. Have a colour theme throughout your home
    If you are going to play it safe and go with one colour, it is recommended that you go a few shades lighter or darker in one room or even on one main wall. It is a great way to add depth and visual interest to a space.

We understand that committing to new paint colours is scary. Hopefully with these pointers you will know how to choose and use the right paints in your home. All the best!


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Wondering What Are The Must Have Tools For Painting Furniture

It is important to consider natural light and the direction the room faces when choosing a colour for it. Learn how to tailor your colour choice...

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Do You Know The Best Paint Colours for East Facing Rooms