Colours & Emotion For July 2022

pastel pink wall image
  1. blue wall paint image

    It is well known that colors and moods are intrinsically intertwined. When you paint a room blue, it can be a winner with almost everyone. Seeing the colour blue causes the body to create chemicals that are calming. Our colour experts believe that blue is perhaps the best colour for your bedroom if you intend to transform it into a tranquil oasis. This shade is soothing, inviting and works incredibly well in bedrooms due to its calming effect. You can look for blues that are either dark like navy or muted such as a grey-blue in Berger’s Colour Catalogue to create a peaceful ambiance in your bedroom.

  2. bengali wedding image

    Indian brides traditionally wear a lot of gold jewellery while getting married. Have you ever wondered why? Let us tell you the reason! The colour gold and gold as a metal is said to symbolise wealth and represent good health. Gold, as a hue, is also associated with brightness and cheerfulness. The new bride is believed to have a positive influence on all aspects of the household, bringing wealth and prosperity to the family. Gold is also considered a great investment and is believed to save the new couple from any financial crisis. The gold jewellery worn by the bride is thus a physical manifestation of these positive thoughts and beliefs! Don’t you find this fascinating?

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Nature has bestowed us with exquisite colours, click here to discover the wonders of colour in nature.

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Gems and colours are intricately related; find out more about their association here.

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Fashion and colours go hand in hand, discover the secrets of this connection and up your style quotient here.

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Colours & Fashion For July 2022

finger nail paint image

nail paint image

Using creativity and fashion as an extension of what we feel allows us to express ourselves better. Of all the beauty trends out there, nails are arguably the most fun to play with. When it comes to nail colour polish trend, this year is proving to be no exception. From 2000s-era nail art to Pantone-approved nail polish, you can experiment with tons of styles when it comes to your nails. You can go with waves, squiggles, half-moon, marble, velvet, rhinestone, gold foil, pastels and so much more. The list is endless. You can try out all these styles in different colours and let your nails do all the talking!


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There can't be a better language for emotions than colours, click here to explore.

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Gems and colours are intricately related; find out more about their association here.

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Nature has bestowed us with exquisite colours, click here to discover the wonders of colour in nature.

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Colours & Gems For July 2022

purple gem image
  1. Celestite

    blue gem image

    The gemstone photographed is known as Celestite. A high-vibrational stone, it is believed to get rid of chaotic thoughts that keep you from achieving a clear headspace. Celestite is believed to connect to your third eye, heart and crown energy centers. The soothing energy radiated by Celestite is believed to facilitate intuition and communication, in turn creating a sense of safety and calmness, allowing you to get rid of your fears.

  2. Fluorite

    green shade card image

    The beautiful gemstone that you are looking at is called Fluorite. The origin of the word ‘fluorite’ is from the Latin word ‘flux’, which means to flow. The reason behind Fluorite’s popularity is its association with clarity and balance. Fluorite comes in a wide range of colours and has been dubbed "the most colourful mineral in the world." Interestingly, the word ‘fluorescent’ is derived from the mineral Fluorite. Some of the most powerful gemstone combinations for Fluorite are Selenite, Labradorite and Amethyst. Fluorite is the perfect companion for any person experiencing spiritual or existential burnout. Simply being in the same environment as this crystal is believed to raise your vibration and enhance your natural aura. Wear this powerful stone to improve the quality of your life.

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There can't be a better language for emotions than colours, click here to explore.

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Fashion and colours go hand in hand, discover the secrets of this connection and up your style quotient here.

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Nature has bestowed us with exquisite colours, click here to discover the wonders of colour in nature.

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Colours & Nature For July 2022

butterfly image
  1. Morning Glory

    blue flower image

    This pretty flower captured by the lens of an avid nature photographer is known as the Morning Glory. A common sight in many landscapes, this is a fast-growing vining plant, perfect for your home garden. It has an attractive funnel-shape, resembling a trumpet. It comes in various shades such as blue, red, purple, yellow and white with heart-shaped leaves. Blooming usually occurs anywhere from May through September, opening in the morning and closing at noon. Owing to its fragrance and colour, hummingbirds and butterflies are attracted to it. We have some gardening tips to grow this lovely plant in your garden. Apply a balanced liquid fertilizer once you plant it as the vine may otherwise grow more foliage than flowers.

  2. Zebra Longwing Butterfly

    black butterfly image

    What you are looking at is the Zebra Longwing or Zebra Heliconian – a butterfly named for its striking striped pattern, resembling those found on a Zebra. Interestingly, this coloration is a warning to predators that the butterfly is toxic. Its toxicity comes from chemicals called cyanogenic glycosides that taste bitter. If consumed, it can be harmful to one’s health. Zebra Longwing lives an unusually long life, partly because it ingests the pollen as well as nectar, giving it an extra source of protein.

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There can't be a better language for emotions than colours, click here to explore.

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Gems and colours are intricately related; find out more about their association here.

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Fashion and colours go hand in hand, discover the secrets of this connection and up your style quotient here.

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