Feng Shui For July 2014

house colour design image

When practising Feng Shui, it's important to provide a sense of security and comfort to the people residing in the area, which is why sharp angles and corners are not desired as they are believed to produce a "cutting Ch'i" or 'poison arrow', which can be compared to the edge of a knife and is known to disrupt the flow of Ch'i. Such energy is known to affect people by making them feel irritable, uncomfortable and edgy. These arrows consist of aggressive energy, which undermines people's health and wellbeing by targeting their personal field of energy and weakening it.

Therefore, sharp lines and corners are not advisable in Feng Shui. Roundedness is favoured, as sharp corners are believed to release negative energy. Ideally, corners should not point to beds or chairs, as they will prevent serenity and relaxation. If you have any sharp corners pointing at you, cure them with the help of hanging plants, wind-chimes and potted plants to break the gathered destructive energy pointing at you.


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Learn about the practice of healing and know more about its relation with colours here.

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Reiki For July 2014

Reiki, as a spiritual practice, aims at the holistic healing of individuals - the giver and the receiver; and so, uses colours as a form of energy to bring out the desirable change. The example of the colour yellow can be taken in this case, as it is used in healing to induce clarity in thought and strengthen intellect.

In Reiki, the colour yellow symbolizes intellect, enlightenment, creativity, optimism and the power of persuasion, and is commonly used by practitioners in healing to promote clarity in one's thoughts. It is common to find religious deities feature a yellow halo around their head; this symbolizes a high spiritual development and appears as a result of intense spiritual and divine thoughts in their mind.

The Yellow aura is also one of the easiest colours to be seen and is directly associated to life energy. The colour is known to create a feeling of joy and optimism, and those who suffer depression from seasonal disorders are advised to add the "sun colour" to their walls, environment and wardrobe to lift their spirits.


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Feng Shui

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Vaastu For July 2014

hall colour combination images

Walls are an important part of our life. Why? Because, we're more often surrounded by them than not!

According to Vaastu, the colour of your walls can impact your life. Ever wondered why hospital walls are green? It's because green is believed to have healing properties. Likewise, ceilings should be white, as white emits vibrations of peace and positivity.

When it comes to bedrooms and personal spaces, the use of light colours on walls is advised. Lighter shades of blue, green, pink, lavender, ivory, etc., help maintaining the room's tranquillity, thus encouraging calm behaviour and restful sleep.

Pink is especially considered an auspicious colour for one's bedroom walls because it symbolizes joy and happiness, add some accentuating colours like light shades of green and blue, as these are believed to be the colours of hope and serenity, respectively. Although, in the case of children, green is recommended as the colour green encourages rejuvenation and growth, and is known for heightening concentration.


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Learn about the practice of healing and know more about its relation with colours here.

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Know more about the ancient science that has been the base of many famous architectural wonders here.

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