Feng Shui For August 2015

Positive Energy for your Home!

Time and again, we have stressed on how important it is to maintain good Feng Shui around the house and today is no different! We still think having good energy in and around your home is of utmost importance and here we are with some quirky tips to ensure that. Yes, you heard that right; everything we tell you today is offbeat and something you haven't heard before. So, to increase the inflow of positive energy and happiness in your home, follow the below mentioned tips:

Focus on the Entrance: The first rule of Feng Shui is to make sure that your entrance is pretty and soothing to you or your visitors. Put up a nice painting or even a pretty picture of yourself, if that is what works for you!

Take a baby for house spotting: This might sound really off the mark but it is not always possible to have a Feng Shui expert accompany you for your house hunt. Well, here comes the baby! According to Feng Shui, if the baby cries without any reason in the house, we are sorry to say that your house lacks positive energy. So, look for one where your baby smiles and is happy because children can pick up on these things very well.

This is how you get rid of unwanted guests: Getting rid of unwanted guests has never been this easy. According to Feng Shui, all you need to do is make them sit with their backs towards the entrance of your room and you will see them leaving soon! Just make sure that you don't sit with your back to the door.

Get rid of the clutter: We know we keep repeating this again and again but trust us when we say that it is indeed the most important aspect. And, we want you to know that clutter is not only trash and other such stuff but even defunct instruments like televisions, watches, clocks or pens that can clutter the energy of your house.

Feng Shui also asks you to be careful of broken flooring and mend it or cover it because it can adversely affect your relationships. Last but not the least, floating fish and flowing water are two auspicious symbols of Feng Shui and you could try and incorporate them into your décor scheme too!


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Teaching children the value of Reiki from a young age is very beneficial, read on to find out how.

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Each house has energy of its own and once a person starts living in the house, the energies of the house affect them.

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Reiki For August 2015

Tips For Teaching Reiki To Kids!

Children learn the practice of Reiki easily as it inherently comes to them. With time, they can master the art. However, the learning should be made fun and interactive at all stages to keep children interested. Incorporating art and song in their teachings is a great route to take. The work of Howard Gardner, specifically his theory of Multiple Intelligences, helps you with more teaching techniques.

Make teaching fun: Children love examples and the best way of teaching them anything is to show rather than tell. Have the kids actually practice what you are teaching on somebody, maybe their best friend so they feel an emotional connect. Initiate discussions and have their doubts cleared. Don't complicate your teachings with jargon and scientific terms but simplify it; remember it should be fun for them.

Work around their comfort: Invite their friends over and work around a space where they feel comfortable. Demonstrate what they are going to be learning before you start the session. If they are not open, ask them to wait and let the kids who are interested learn without distraction. Encourage them to participate as they feel empowered. Eventually, they will shed their inhibitions and participate freely.

Interaction: For maximum participation, give the kids a chance to get comfortable with the environment. Give them a tour and allow them their time to get accustomed to the space. Children respond well when they feel safe and their curiosity is appeased. Ask them if they have any questions and answer them, even if they seem silly (What's in that closet? Why is there a small door leading to the backyard? Whose room is that?). This information will help them settle in a way they won't even be conscious of.


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Having good energy in and around your home is of utmost importance and here we are with some quirky tips to ensure that!

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Feng Shui

Each house has energy of its own and once a person starts living in the house, the energies of the house affect them.

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Vaastu For August 2015

hall colour combination images

Get Some Positivity For Your Home!

Vaastu is known to suggest that each house has energy of its own and once a person starts living in the house, the energies of the house affect them. Thus, it is very important to live in a house with positive energy as per Vaastu and if not, here are some easy remedies to ensure this. The biggest challenge for many of us while trying to make our house Vaastu compliant is that it is difficult to make structural changes. So, here we are with some simple and effective Vaastu tips that are easy to implement.

The first thing that we need to do is get a nameplate outside your doors, so that it is easy for opportunities to trace us. The next step towards purifying the energy of your house is to burn earthen lamps and incense sticks as they are considered to be cosmic cleansers. Vaastu thinks it is best to have the kitchen in the south east corner of your house but if that is not the case, at least place your gas stove in the south east corner of your kitchen.

Another easy way of getting rid of negative energy is to place lemons in a glass of water and change it every Saturday. It is also good if you can keep the mirror away from your bedroom because it is believed to cause health problems in the family. Hanging a couple of metal bells on your doors is also believed to help in an inflow of positive energy into your home. Finally, make sure to keep bowls of salt around the house as they are believed to absorb negative energy.


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Teaching children the value of Reiki from a young age is very beneficial, read on to find out how.

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Each house has energy of its own and once a person starts living in the house, the energies of the house affect them.

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