marble floor cleaning

Curious to know how to clean marble floors in your home? Keep reading for all the tips you need, from routine care to stain removal.

There is nothing more elegant than marble, a timeless material available in a wide range of styles that makes for fabulous flooring. However, no type of flooring material is truly maintenance-free, and the same holds true for marble floors.

Marble, the epitome of luxury, requires special care to stay in top shape since it is easily susceptible to stains and only certain cleaning agents can be used on it without causing damage.

The past year in the face of the pandemic has seen several restrictions on the entry of domestic help inside housing societies. Residents have had to resort to cleaning their homes on their own to maintain good hygiene and safety. And since several studies have shown that the virus can remain on surfaces for a few days, it is a good idea to clean high-touch surfaces regularly, which includes the flooring, especially if you have infants or kids running around the house. And now with India witnessing its second wave of the pandemic, it has become even more important to maintain good housekeeping and use an effective disinfectant to keep the flooring squeaky clean and free from germs.

Selecting the right disinfectant

marble cleaning liquid

When selecting a marble cleaning liquid or a disinfectant, it is important to consider its effectiveness against germs and its impact on surfaces and assets.

From choosing the right product for each application to knowing when and how to apply it, disinfectant use should not be taken lightly. Residences that fail to make informed choices or overlook product instructions are putting the safety of the inhabitants at risk and setting themselves up for disinfectant disaster. When you assess your disinfectant needs with care and enlighten yourself on using them properly, it will ensure sanitary success.

Understanding the need of the hour, the team of Berger Paints India put their heads together to formulate a wide range of innovative health and wellness products. Introducing Berger BreatheEasy+ Disinfectant Floor Cleaner, a double-duty formula that works on various floor surfaces, including marble.

It effectively kills 99.9% of germs present on the floor, offering total peace of mind.

It is a product designed not just to help residents but also our painter community. Thanks to its strong cleaning action, it also removes dried paint drips with utmost ease, making lives of our painters hassle-free.Berger BreatheEasy+

Application of Berger BreatheEasy+ Disinfectant Floor Cleaner

Effective marble cleaning and disinfection can only be accomplished by following proper disinfectant instructions.

However, if improperly applied, you might as well flush it down the drain, since applying disinfectants incorrectly can render them ineffective and useless, turning into a complete disaster.

marble floor cleaning

  • For marble floor cleaning, use one capful in half a bucket of water. Mix well and mop the floor. There is no need to rinse!
  • For paint drips, pour undiluted over the area. Leave for 15 minutes. Use the diluted solution for regular mopping.
  • For tough stains, pour undiluted on the dirty area. Leave for 10 minutes and rinse.

It will leave behind a fresh, citrusy fragrance, awakening your senses!


Get squeaky-clean and germ-free floor surfaces with Berger BreatheEasy+ Disinfectant Floor Cleaner. Saaf bhi, Surakshit Bhi.

Wondering where to get this product from?

You can shop now from the safety and comforts of your home:

Alternatively, you can purchase it on Amazon too.

Make smart choices to keep your classy marble flooring clean and germ-free as well as to prevent illness in your family.

To learn more ways to maintain a healthy home, you can read this blog:

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