
Whenever we think about revamping our home, the most effective and visually appealing way to do so is by exploring different types of wall textures.

Whether you want to infuse a sense of warmth for holiday gatherings or simply renew the space, different types of wall textures come with various complimenting wall texture designs, wall texture paints, wall texture patterns, and so on. Want to know more about types of wall textures, and different kinds of interior and exterior wall textures?

What is Wall Texture?

Wall texture is the visual and tactile surface treatment applied to interior and exterior walls. It adds depth and character to your home and reflects your interests and passion.

Different Types of Wall Textures

From various types of wall textures, such as wall texture design, texture painting, texture paint designs, and so on, the types of wall textures are mainly differentiated into two broad categories, i.e., exterior wall texture and interior wall texture.

Interior Wall Texture

A versatile way to renew the visual appeal, interior wall structure involves applying texture paint designs or wall texture patterns and transforming them into visually engaging elements. Interior wall textures are available in a wide range of wall texture designs, texture paintings, and wall texture patterns.

Exterior Wall Texture

Designed to shield your exterior walls, exterior wall textures add visual interest to a building’s facade. Exterior wall textures are also available in multiple different types, such as exterior wall texture design, wall texture patterns, texture for painted walls, and many more choices.

Interior Wall Texture

Some of the most common interior wall textures are:

Knockdown Texture

The knockdown texture refers to the final step of the wall texture process, in which the texture is partially smoothed out to create a flattened yet textured look.

Orange Peel Texture

The orange peel texture resembles the subtle bumpy and textured surface similar to an orange peel. It’s a very common and versatile interior wall texture that gives a relatively smooth and modern finish.

Sand Swirl Texture

A distinctive interior wall texture, it’s popular for its swirling and swirled patterns resembling light sand patterns. It’s considered to be a unique and artistic focal point in the wall texture category.

Trowel Texture

Applied to the wall using a trowel to create a rustic and handcrafted appearance on the interior walls, trowel texture is known for its refinement, ranging from a subtle texture to pronounced textures.

Exterior Wall Texture

Florentina Texture

Offering a luxury designer finish, Berger’s exterior wall textures include Florentina Gliterrati, Florentina Sandstone, and Florentina Vintage. These high-quality exterior wall textures are sure to elevate the visual appearance of your exterior walls.

Solitaire Texture

In a natural stone and granite-like finish, the solitaire texture provides a protective plaster coat to your walls along with being highly resistant to mechanical damage.

Ruff and Tuff Texture

The formal of Ruff and Tuff includes modified acrylic emulsion, which is strengthened with quartz. This ensures the texture is resistant to rain, humidity, and other external elements.

The long-lasting and durable nature of exterior wall textures makes them a crucial part of wall painting during the festive season or any other season.

Tips for Application and Maintenance of Wall Textures

Applying and maintaining wall textures can be tricky. Here are some tips for help:

Application Tips:

  • Prepare your surface well by cleaning and fixing any cracks or holes.
  • Always do the priming step first before applying paint.
  • Make sure you’re maintaining the texture throughout the entire wall to maintain consistency.

Maintenance Tips:

  • Do regular cleaning to maintain the smooth and shiny look.
  • Keep retouching your walls to fix minor damages.
  • Always inspect for damage and get them repaired immediately to avoid any major damages.


Just be creative and transformative to enjoy the wall textures that enhance your home during this festive season.


How many types of wall textures are there?

There are many different types of wall textures, which can be broadly categorised into two categories: interior wall textures and exterior wall textures.

What are the different types of textures?

There are many types of textures, including knockdown, orange peel, solitaire, Florentina, and many more.

What are wall textures?

It refers to the visual appearance of a wall, adding some depth to it.

Which texture is best for walls?

That really depends on your needs and wants. As we have discussed some texture designs for wall paintings, you can refer to them to make a choice.

What is the importance of wall textures?

Wall textures enhance aesthetics, create an ambience, and make your walls durable.

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