Categories: Brand Speak

Is It Safe To Paint Your Home For The Festive Season Amidst A Global Pandemic? XP Experts Have The Answer!

The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted our lives in unimaginable ways. As we remain confined to our homes and spend extended time indoors, most of us have been contemplating home improvement projects, perhaps spending so much time at home has inspired us like never before. And now with the festive season around the corner, the itch for a home makeover and renovation is undeniable.

However, home decor and renovation projects require professional assistance. Lack of safety measures and increased concerns of hygiene has convinced most customers to put off their home makeovers to a later date. With increased risks and concerns around the pandemic, people who are due for a paint job are certainly weighing the risks.

Innovation and reinvention to lead the way forward

With the pandemic showing no signs of slowing down, many businesses had to adapt. The painting industry turned to the experts in home painting, Berger Paints India. Millions have trusted Berger Express Painting for being one of the most reliable and trustworthy painting services. To address concerns of safety while home painting, we launched a safe home painting experience. The painting service now comes with advanced measures and protocols and mechanised painting tools to create a safe work environment for our painters and ensure the well-being of our customers and stakeholders.

So, what exactly makes Express Painting a safe painting service?

One of the biggest risks of contracting the coronavirus is coming in close contact with an infected individual. To limit face-to-face interactions, we launched the Express Painting App. Using the app, you can get painting estimates and consultation, book a painting service, track work progress remotely, monitor health and body temperature of the painters and complete transactions digitally through your preferred mode of payment. This way, you can continue following social distancing and still have complete control over the job of home painting.

To ensure a truly safe experience, precautions are set in motion even before the painters set foot in your house. Only painters belonging to green, non-containment zones are assigned. They come armed with XP Health and Safety Kit, consisting of masks, gloves, caps, foot covers and Berger hand sanitisers. Mechanised painting tools and equipment are used which guarantees not just a professional and thorough job but fewer people are required to complete the task. Painters follow strict safety and hygiene norms and keep their distance from others inside a home, apartment or commercial space they are working in. At the end of the assignment, the painters carry out complete disinfection and cleaning of the applicators, tools and the home and walls to ensure zero chance of any contamination and transmission.

But is it safe to let an outsider in your house?

While we have taken extreme measures to ensure a safe painting experience, there are some things you need to keep in mind before welcoming a contractor into your home. If you are thinking of home painting, but have concerns and confusion about your familys safety, we have our experts weigh in on bringing painting professionals into your homes, things you need to be careful about and plan for.

Before the visit

  • If you or someone in your home has Covid-19, has symptoms consistent to Covid-19 or has come in close contact with someone who has Covid-19, wait to schedule a painting service until all residents are safe and healthy.
  • If you or someone in your home is at higher risk of severe illnesses from Covid-19, such as older adults or people with underlying medical conditions, consult your doctor before booking a painting service.
  • Do as much pre-service consultation as possible and opt for contactless and zero contact modes of communication, made easy with Express Painting App.
  • Ensure the painting room is not occupied and only paint one room at a time. Plan your painting beforehand so that you can ensure a safe experience for both the painter and yourself.

During the visit

  • Track painter health and body temperature using the Express Painting App.
  • Do not allow the painter to enter your home if they seem sick or are showing any symptoms of Covid-19.
  • Avoid physical greetings.
  • Ensure the painter is wearing a mask before entering your home and during the visit. Also, you and other household members should wear a mask.
  • Minimise conversations. Maintain a distance of at least 6 feet at all times.
  • Ensure the painting site is not occupied and take steps to maximise ventilation inside the house, including turning off the air conditioner and opening windows.

After the visit

  • Opt for cashless payment options using the Berger Express Painting App.
  • While our painters and contractors disinfect and clean the entire site post painting, ensure that you follow basic hygiene measures, including washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or using a hand sanitiser.

If you plan to paint your home for the upcoming festive season, you dont have to put off your home beautification. You can avail the painting service in most cities and towns in India. With our safe home painting service, you can get all the support you need to give your walls an illuminating transformation. To book a safe painting service, download Express Painting App on App Store and Google Play.


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